​Is freezing fat cells permanent? CoolSculpting Treatment At Qutis

CoolSculpting is on the rise – and why wouldn’t it be, considering this non-invasive, quick procedure is capable of freeze-killing stubborn fat cells, delivering amazing results in the most stubborn areas? The result is apparent within a few weeks, and up to 25% reduction in fat tissue volume can be expected in treated regions of the body.

Whilst CoolSculpting does deliver results, which is substantially backed by science, many curious potential customers remain on a fence about trying this rather expensive treatment for themselves. And it’s not even so much about the potential complications – after all, any cosmetic procedure has them, period. The most frequently raised concern is the following: are CoolSculpting results truly permanent?

Understanding how “fat freezing” works

To understand if cryolypolysis, also known as CoolSculpting and “fat freezing”, can deliver permanent results, it is important to understand how the procedure works. Unlike invasive procedures such as liposuction, cryolypolysis doesn’t physically destroy fat or surrounding tissues, which can be very traumatic. Instead, the fat cells are selectively exposed to low temperatures, which causes them to die – however, the surrounding tissues remain undamaged.

After that, the body’s immune system detects the dead fat cells and removes them just like any other waste and metabolism by-products. In other words, the treated fat cells eventually get removed from the body. As after a certain age, we don’t make too many new fat cells anymore, the ones treated by CoolSculpting and successfully killed cannot be replaced.

So, the permanence debate solved? Technically, yes. However, there are some practical intricacies worth considering!

“Freezing” fat cells doesn’t remove all fat from the area

As mentioned above, CoolSculpting promotes up to 25% fat tissue reduction in the treated area. Moreover, repeated treatments can (and often are) performed to freeze as many fat cells as possible, achieving optimal results.

However, the method cannot ever guarantee 100% fat tissue removal from the area – and this is where a potential issue lies. Just like any other fat cells, the fat cells left behind after a procedure retain their normal ability to shrink and expand depending on how much energy they’re storing inside. Provided your weight is stable, and your lifestyle does not change after the desired number of “fat freezing” sessions, this should not be an issue.

However, if you do start consistently consuming more energy than your body burns during the day, it will be stored as fat – including inside those “left behind” fat cells – causing the fat tissue to expand. Over time, it is entirely possible to go back to the pre-procedure appearance if enough excessive energy is stored.

How long do the results last?

Theoretically, the results should last a lifetime – so long as you stay in good health and maintain a quality nutrition regime whilst also getting sufficient exercise. Since cryolypolysis is usually recommended to healthy men and women wanting to get “finishing touches” in areas with stubborn fat deposits, meeting those requirements shouldn’t be a major issue for such patients.

'However, inexperienced practitioners can sometimes recommend “fat freezing” to individuals who would be much better off managing their weight with more conventional measures such as diet and exercise before proceeding to final stages of body sculpting. If you’re not sure CoolSculpting is for you, it’s always best to seek second opinion before committing to a costly treatment plan. After all, you might be better off starting with regular brisk walking and less sugar in your coffee instead!

Am I a good candidate for “fat freezing”?

To reiterate the previous point, those getting the best, lasting results from CoolSculpting usually meet the following criteria:

  • Your gender doesn’t matter – “fat freezing” has been shown to work equally well in both men and women
  • You have stubborn budges of fat tissue in localized areas, such as chin, upper arms, inner thighs, abdomen or flanks. CoolSculpting is a highly targeted procedure, and there is no way to perform a full body fat freezing session (at present, at least). Multiple areas can be sometimes treated in one session, and most certainly, the procedure can be repeated – just don’t expect everything at once.
  • You are comfortable with the idea of getting cosmetic body-enhancing procedures, as CoolSculpting is essentially just that. Think of it as something along the lines of wrinkle injections or laser treatments – the risks are minimal, but they do exist, and you need to be fine accepting them.
  • You are within 10-15 kg of your ideal body weight (ideally on the lower end or even less) and only store fat in well-defined areas.

Our Conclusion

CoolSculpting does permanently remove the treated fat cells by exposing them to low temperatures that destroy them. The dead cells are then excreted by the body with all other waste. As those cells don’t ever come back, technically “fat freezing” is a permanent procedure.

However, drastic changes in lifestyle and body composition can promote expansion of remaining fat cells, or even generation of new ones, bringing the overall appearance back to square one.

In conclusion, “fat freezing” is a fantastic, highly effective procedure with minimal side effects and no downtime – however, it’s not a panacea, and commitment to a healthy lifestyle is required to maintain the results.

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