LED Phototherapy - Does It Really Work?

Red LED light was first discovered for it biostimulating effect by NASA, studying biological lettuce growth in space under artificial light. And it worked too!

Now as many superb NASA inventions do, this technology was then filtered through to industries, such as medical aesthetics, where it's biostimualtion technology was put to "real world" practical use, without the lettuce!

So to answer the question, Yes, LED phototherapy really does work, and who are we to argue with NASA scientific studies?

At Qutis clinics we use a state-of-the-art Deesse LED mask, which not only utilises red LED light for collagen and elastin production within the skin, but also Blue for Acne antibacterial, green to suppress pigment production, yellow for detoxing the skin, and near-infrared to promote deeper skin tissue recovery and healing.Why it is perfect timing for Intended Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments.

Summer may now seem like a distant memory as the nights are closing in, but have you noticed that the remnants of summer sun damage is still lingering on the skin? IPL is an effective treatment to rejuvenate the skin, stimulating sluggish cell turnover, and capturing pigmentation deposit in the skin. Within 2-3 weeks you skin will already be on track to recovery with glow.

And more exciting still, at Qutis Advanced Skin Clinics, we now combine IPL with a lovely medi-facial!

We recommend 3-5 IPL in with HydraFacial treatments each four weeks, and there is no better time than autumn winter. IPL treatments cannot be performed if you have had sun exposure within 3 weeks of treatment, which makes winter ideal for a little IPL light in your life.

Red light at night....shepherd’s delight..

When it comes to our beauty routines, sleep is often overlooked. Our bodies repair and recover from our everyday stresses while we snooze.

We need 7-9 quality hours of shut-eye each night! If you’re getting fewer than 6 hours, it’s likely affecting your appearance, says our lead nurse Marea.

Marea advises you try to get an extra 1-2 hours extra Zzz’s & you will soon notice that sleeping better & longer will improve the way you look.

In fact, during our skin consultations at Qutis Clinics, not only will you be asked about your health & your diet, but you will also be asked about your sleep. Here are a few facts and beauty benefits from getting enough sleep. The new in-clinic addition of the Deesse Pro LED mask has many health benefits as well as skin health benefits. Lets just look at six of them.

Beneficial Blue Light in order to sleep better

In summer, we seem to be able to get out of bed more easily. Why is this? Well, it seems that the body makes more of the energising hormone called cortisol and the body’s ‘cortisol awakening response’ is increased in light.

There is more blue light in the morning, and so Marea advises her clients to have our blue LED wavelength treatment in the earlier part of the day.

Brighter, Less Puffy Eyes responds to yellow LED

You know if you have had too few Zzz’s if you wake up with dark circles under your eyes.

“When we don’t get enough sleep...puffy eyes are one of the first things we see when we don’t sleep,” says Marea “but fear not help is at hand, within our clinic, we have the Déesse Pro LED mask. We would select a yellow wavelength of light to aid decongestion in your lymph system directly below your eyes. Just 30 minutes with this mask on will have a noticeable effect.

Our Products Work Better during the night

When we are sleeping, our body does not have to defend itself from free radicals (harmful molecules from the environment). During sleep our blood flow is more consistent which helps our clinical grade products aid repair & collagen manufacture.

Because our skins loses more water during sleep than during the day, the application of a clinical grade treatment moisturiser before bed with a good drink of water will aid the work that the skin does overnight. So we suggest iS Youth Intensive Crème or iS Reparative Emulsion.

Good quality sleep equals fewer wrinkles

New collagen is made in your skin when you sleep, and collagen prevents sagging. Marea says “This collagen manufacture during sleep, is all part of your skin’s repair process; I beat this drum so much, but more collagen means that the skin is plumper and less likely to wrinkle. Only getting 5 hours a night can lead to twice as many fine lines as sleeping 7 would. It also leaves skin drier, which can make lines more visible.”

There are more red light rays in late afternoon and evening daylight, so Marea suggests having the LED mask dual wave treatments of near infrared and red light towards the end of the clinic day will not only help you build collagen but will also aid your night’s sleep.

Green LED Light aids wound healing

We can speed up skin healing after many laser or cautery treatments that we do in Qutis Clinic by using green LED therapy. In clinical studies, wound healing was significantly speeded up following exposure to green LEDs, and complete reepithelialization (healing) was accelerated by red and green LEDs compared with control studies.

As we know, blood flow is more consistent at night, so if you have had a mole removed on your face or have had laser resurfacing treatment, we advise that patients attend for LED in the afternoons, the week after their laser or cautery procedure.

Did you know?

LED Phototherapy is one of the safest, most effective tools in the maintenance of healthy-looking skin. It is a painless, non-invasive skin treatment that uses non-thermal light energy to keep skin youthful, alongside treating a variety of skin concerns.

Qutis Clinics offer LED Phototherapy treatment and you can book a treatment today and start seeing healthier looking skin!

MBNS Limited is registered with Companies House at 57, North Street, Thame, OX9 3BH. Company Number 04664476.

Qutis Witney Limited is registered with Companies House at 57, North Street, Thame, OX9 3BH.. Company Number 07993267.

Qutis Herts Limited is registered with Companies House at 57, North Street, Thame, OX9 3BH.. Company Number 10879204